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NDIS and Special Olympics Australia

Special Olympics Australia provides sport, joy and inclusion to children and adults with intellectual disability/autism. Our weekly sports programs and competitions differ from mainstream sports in the type and ratio of support provided. Sports training is delivered by a mix of paid coaches, qualified volunteer coaches and experienced team supports.

Special Olympics Australia is not a registered NDIS provider, but you may be able meet your NDIS goals through our programs. Here's some information to help you learn more.

How Can We Help You Meet Your NDIS Goals?

Sport is a great vehicle for inclusion, social and community participation, health and wellbeing, and personal development outcomes. Special Olympics participation can help you achieve goals including:

Social and Community Participation

  • Making new social connections
  • Building friendships
  • Meeting people from other places with similar interests.
  • Developing and improving social and communication skills by working with others in a team.
  • Improving social skills, including leadership, collaboration, cooperation, sharing and negotiation.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Living a healthy life – developing behaviours for lifelong participation in movement and physical activity.
  • Being active, getting fit and improving motor skills.
  • Improving health - learning about health food choices, hydration, and looking after physical wellbeing and mental health.
  • Improving memory and concentration

Personal Development

  • Improving confidence and resilience
  • Increasing motivation and drive to do better.
  • Developing independence - practicing independent living skills by participating in sporting programs.
  • Improving awareness of oneself and capabilities.
  • Having a break from parents and carers to spend time with peers.